Audi TT


In the post about the installation Tempomat (cruise control), I indicated that the activation of r can be performed using the software VAG-COM, now I will show precisely the process that I followed. 
First, connect the laptop to the car using VAG-COM cable, as indicated in the post of introduction to VAG-COM .
Once connected, from the home screen, access the " Select ".
Then in the " Common ", click on" 01 - Engine ".

On the next screen click on the " Login - 11 ".

On the screen that opens, type the value " 11463 "and click" Do It! ".

At this point, it should be enabled Tempomat. To verify correct operation, we can do the following:

In the previous screen, click on " Meas. Blocks - 08 ".

Select the group " 066 ", and verify the following values: 

At Camp 2 "Clutch / Brake" :
  • 1000 = no brake pedal or clutch tight
  • 1011 = brake pedal pressed
  • 1100 = clutch pedal pressed
 At Camp 4 "Cruise switch" :
  • 0000 = Tempomat off ( OFF )
  • 0011 = Tempomat enabled ( ON )
  • 0001 = selector ON / OFF half (off for a moment)
  • 0111 = Buttons  SET tight
  • 1011 =Buttons  RES tight
If all values are correct, we will have successfully installed Tempomat.